AI-generated illustration of various types of bread, including sliced loaf, round loaf, and baguette. Our analysis indicates that this image is highly likely generated by AI. No NSFW content detected.
AI technology offers valuable insights, but it's not perfect. For best results, we recommend additional human verification. This tool should not be used for authenticity checks as images can be manipulated through other tools that do not use AI.
AI Detection Summary
- Detection Result: AI
- Probability Score: 81%
- Confidence Level: Highly likely
- Possible AI Generation Method: Midjourney
- Method Probability Score: 90%
- NSFW Content Detected: No
- NSFW Probability Score: 85%
Raw Analysis Data
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LOL!!! Isitai, are u seriously taking money for your “service’?! This system can not detect so simple things and gives 100% wrong results. This etching-stylized hand drawn bread composition was drawn by me in Procreate and system detects is as an Ai!! This platform is useless and moreover, can harm people by producing such seriously erroneous results. Imagine what would happen if some gallery decided to ‘test’ the work of a real artist? Or did you just put this shit up to collect money from gullible users on ai-themed hype?